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The Doctrine Of Daviterra
"There is no need for temples,
No need for complicated philosophies.
My brain and my heart are temples.
My philosophy is kindness"
-Dali Lama-
We are the "ultimate ape": bi-pedal, naked, large brain; the master of fire, tools, and language. Still, we are continually trying to understand our "selves". Aware of our own mortality, we aspire for longevity and optimism. We grow slowly. We develop through a deliberate process of time, nature, and nurture. We are handed down the knowledge of our elders and providers. We are nourished and enriched by our common experience of "being human". We seek to understand, as we struggle to interpret the information we are fed. We share, we empathize, we ignore and deceive. We shape our respective lives through motives and memories, created and repurposed through searching for meaning, for a connection, and a sense of belonging, all the while trying to stay loyal to our independence; our own wants and needs. We fight to claim the spotlight in which our self-ascribed uniqueness may shine, preserving the power of our own internal "diviness".
We really are "stardust", even "Big Bang" dust... The Big Bang theory is not to explain how the universe began, but how it evolved. It contemplates the immediate expansion of this fireball, rising out, from seemingly nothing, growing faster than the speed of light, pure energy, as it was. Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" showed that energy and mass are interchangeable. Yet, it was not always that simple. In the beginning, this subsequent matter was challenged by the paradoxical existence of "anti-matter". These two sides of the same coin were embroiled in a great cosmic battle, which could have ended in mutual annihilation. Fortunately, there was an imbalance. For every 100 million anti-particles, there were 101 positively-charged particles. That nearly immeasurable difference was enough to account for the creation of everything in the universe today.
From small imperfections... As the infant universe was cooling, it was solely existing as "complex gas", solid matter could not form. Luckily, the state of this gas was uneven, imperfect, with small cracks in its gaseous particles. As time passed, these "variations of density", collapsed, and condensed, forming star clusters. These newly-formed stars were unstable. Because of variations in heat and pressure, elements were being created. This nuclear turmoil ultimately caused expansion, then explosion, of some of these early stars. Culminating into a "Super Nova," these star bursts spewed out those seedlings of created elements, casting them out into the darkness of space and across the ever-growing expanse of the universe. The calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, the atoms in the air we breath, and in the water we drink, the raw minerals in our buildings and machinery, and everything in between: our universe, the galaxies, our solar system, our planets, our Earth, "life", all began, with the birth and death of stars.
The meaning for us... So, are we meaningless, and insignificant, being hurled through this universe which is seemingly indifferent to our opinions, hopes, accomplishments, and failures? Our tiny "stature" next to the greater and more profound entities, may sadden us, in our lack of influence, but oh, what liberation. Our common delusion that what we want and what we do, will matter to the universe brings on profound pressure, guilt, and anxiety, that can never be truly relieved or released. In recognizing the absurdity of everything, that perceived weight of the universe slides off our shoulders. It is when we open ourselves up to other possibilities, free ourselves from what "we think we know"; making alternative realities possible and tangible, that we often fulfill unperceived needs, and discover talents and abilities beyond our wildest "imaginings". As we
lose the pretentious notion that we "are the universe", or even the "center of the universe", we can not not ignore, nor diminish, the "fact" that we are "part of the universe". As we share the DNA of our parents, so too do we share the "ingredients", the DNA of the universe, and all matter within. With that, comes deference and common respect.
The making of "we"... In Neuropsychology, the concepts of love and fear relate to the deepest unconscious. Regions of the brain craves what it lacks. What we believe we lack, ends up defining what we love and fear, influencing the most important decisions we make. Our understanding of the human mind is growing at an astounding rate. Yet, the brain, which holds as many independently-acting neurons as there may potentially be stars in our galaxy, still stands as an enigma. So, where is the elusive "I", the definable "me", that core of consciousness through which we each interact, act, and react? What gives us the soul of "humanhood", the choice of belief, the power of manipulation, the ability of contemplation , and the potential of things we have yet to even comprehend? Throughout the world, there are ancient traditions which identify the center of the head as the center of the earth, the center of the universe, and the very center of creation, itself. The symbolic "center" is often depicted as "egg-shaped". In some cultures, it is referred to as the "lamp", or the"third eye". It seemingly represents the ability to contact and communicate with higher spiritual realms. It is seen as a sacred and often secret pathway to enlightenment, and our own individual power to connect with the "force" of the universe. There just so happens that there is an "egg-shaped" structure in the brain. The Thalamus is constructed like two eggs, side by side. Behind and between the "hemispheres" of the Thalamus, is the "Pineal" gland, often referred to, as the "third eye", and is located near the back center of the brain. The Thalamus gland acts like a hub, responsible for collecting, formulating, interpreting, and relaying information from our sensory receptors. Everything we hear, see, taste, feel, and smell, gets funneled to this small segment of the brain, then the information is dispersed to the appropriate ports in the cortex. When the Thalamus is damaged, so too, is our "consciousness". In ancient Egypt, the eye of their God Horus, also know as "the eye of Ra", (mysteriously depicted in paintings as looking very similar to the Thalamus gland), represented protection, royal power, and good health. It was also known as the "eye of Providence": the all-seeing eye of God. The ability to create art and music, the ability of wonderment, the imagination to build, and the ability to build what we imagine, the ability to appreciate, to admire, are all human traits which make the "I" from "we", and perhaps originates from the elusive, yet powerful, "eye" within.
So, what have learned? We have learned that everything comes from nothing, to become something. We learned that positive wins over negative. We learned that from imperfections, comes new possibilities. We learned that from pressure, comes creation. We learned that from death, comes life. We learned that we are individuals, with unrealized abilities and untapped knowledge, inescapably bound, through space and time, with everything and everyone in the universe. Most importantly, we have learned that there is so much more, still to learn. Whether our universe is friendly, or hostile, has a lot to do with our own balance of things, as we see and live them. To offer and find kindness, to offer and find hope, to offer and find truth, to offer and find happiness, to offer and find love, are all divine things of which we are each capable. Our "purpose in life"?... Perhaps, simply, to do no harm; to preserve what is good and protect what is precious... to be as "Guardians of Divinity".