Daviterra Nation, declares its Sovereign entity of Royal Grand Duchy Daviterra:
The Sovereign, July 4, 2020.
The Declaration of Daviterra Nation, Royal Grand Duchy Daviterra: Within the progression of nationhood, there develops a group with "power-assumed privilege": given or taken, through corruption, the inequity of financial resources, cronyism, elitist mentality, eugenics philosophies, or a varied combination of all. It inevitably becomes necessary for the controlled and oppressed, to band together, in seeking reform, joy, justice, and control of their destiny as individuals, a community, a nation. One people, in seeking to to dissolve the political entities, which have shackled them, imprisoned them, ignored them, limited them, denied them, endangered them, manipulated them, and exploited them, for self-serving injustices, immoral acts, and illegalities, is purposeful in creating and connecting with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Universal Divinity entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of humankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Governments are instituted among the mere mortal, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. The history of the present president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, is a history of such (repeated) injuries and usurpation, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these United States, and by default, its unrepresented, unprotected, unrecognized citizens. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world: 1. He has threatened persons, and their respective political entities, who do not conform to his will, but which are part of the US electorate, and American citizens; who are still rightfully protected under the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the general rule of law, by repeating the statement: "The only good Democrat, is a dead Democrat". 2. During the protests of George Floyd's killing by Minnesota police, He has shown reckless disregard for American citizens, especially minorities, as he invoked the words "When the looting starts, the shooting starts", quoting the racist threats by Miami Police Chief Walter Headley, on December 30, 1967, at the height of the race riots, in America. 3. He has encourage police to ignore their own proper procedures and fed the ongoing malice that police have been accused of committing in freely abusing suspects, in a 2017 speech, he said, “When you see thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just see them thrown in; rough. I said, ‘please don’t be too nice,'” ... “Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head, you know, the way you put your hand over it. Like, don’t hit their head, and they’ve just killed somebody. I said, you can take the hand away, O.K.?.” 4. He has solicited foreign support and intervention, including countries such as Russia, China, and Ukraine, to aid in his election, and potential re-election, and has forbidden his Cabinet and administration members, to either testify, or submit requested documents during investigations, including the Russian election influences, and "Ukrainian quid pro quo", for which he was "IMPEACHED". 5. He has callously and systematically tried to dissolve and remove supplemental medical insurance, welfare, child care services, and social security safety nets, for the most vulnerable American citizens. 6. He has shown no understanding of budgeting, of economics, of prioritizing fiscal policy, of national need, or, of the future financial welfare of the country and of its general population: cut taxes to the wealthy, raised the national debt to over 5 trillion dollars. 7. He has usurped the vetting process for his Cabinet posts, by hiring "temporary" staff in leadership roles. 8. He has failed to fill numerous important positions related to the security, and diplomatic services of this country. 9. He has obfuscated the checks and balances system, by firing "watchdog" administrators who either investigate the legality of his actions, or show disagreement with the legality of his actions. 10. He has blatantly used his position to illegally profit from his hotels and restaurants in New York, Washington, and Florida, in violation of the Constitution’s anti-corruption, or emoluments, clauses. 11. He has used the power of the U S Attorney General's office to hide, ignore, refute, and cover-up illegal administration activities, and to protect the individuals involved in such activities. 12. He has plotted with foreign leaders and their agents to hide illegal activities, and to make direct financial dealings affecting national financial resources, which personally benefit him monetarily, and/or politically, with total disregard to the future consequences felt by the country, or to the world-wide reputation of the U S as a whole. 13. He continues to give unfettered "oval office" access to the Russian government, and its president, by maintaining regular (private) meetings, and phone calls; providing them with security information, and by seeking their advice in domestic policy: threatening national security. 14. He has compromised the office of President, by having hidden personal financial obligations, with the Russian, and Saudi governments, and with foreign banks, which he refuses to disclose via his tax returns. 15. He is the subject of countless legal investigations and law suits, accused of numerous sexual assaults, and rape charges; found guilty of financial scams, accused of money laundering, found guilty of charity embezzlement, accused of tax fraud, and has used his office to avoid, or quell his legal responses and responsibilities. 16. He deliberately and mindlessly chose to ignore the far reaching consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: creating the divisive illusion of a political hoax, fake news. He disassembled necessary health agencies, recklessly removed health investigators from China, gave no care to the hazard of bringing American travelers back from infected areas without quarantine protocols in place, waited long after the WHO declared the virus a pandemic, denied necessary medical equipment assistance to states, and front line workers, hijacked materials and equipment shipments, outbid states for such equipment, and provided such equipment to Russia. He has removed American from the World Health Organization, demonized the Centers For Disease Control, has shown zero support for the measurements put in place and has created the mindset that the economy is more important than personal welfare. He has made false medical claims, false claims about the access to testing, false claims about the number of tests available, has shown disregard for the health and safety of others: refused to wear a mask to show by example, and create solidarity. Instead, he has supported and encouraged the quarantine "protesters", as they brandished weapons in various capitol buildings. 17. He has "pulled out of" treaties, designed to create "trust but verify" procedures, national/world financial stability, mutual safety and security, increase in commerce, jobs, and economic growth. 18. He has created stress and financial hardship by unilaterally instigating trade wars, causing the loss of jobs, national financial stability, and adding to the national deficit by necessitating federal bailouts to farms and companies affected by his rogue actions. 19. He has eliminated, through "executive order", nearly 100 environment protection laws and regulations, including clean water, clean air, worker safety, public land protection and endangered species acts. 20. He has used "economic stimulus" funds to additionally enrich large non-tax-paying companies, including his own, as well as to benefit the companies of his political supporters, without any "oversight", which "he removed". 21. He has used the power of the presidency to create alliances for private financial gain, benefiting himself, his daughter and son in-law, and other business connections. 22. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent swarms of Officers to harass our people, spy on their activities and threaten their rights of free speech, and due process. 23. He has hired unqualified and non-vetted (non security-cleared) members of his own family, and friends, to represent the United States in sensitive historic events, involving them in heavy-weighted decisive moments, without any oversight or transparency. 24. He has conspired with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation, by frequently suggesting a negation and subversion of a free and fair election, providing him with a non challenged eternal presidency: 25. He has violated international law and our own constitution, by denying asylum seekers a fair hearing of grievance, by separating children from their parents, by imprisoning such parents and children in unhealthy and dangerous conditions, and by indiscriminately allowing private agencies to profit from the illegal adoption of these children 26. He has taken away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Government; threatening to suspend our own Legislatures, and declaring himself invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever, by declaring, "The President has absolute power." 27. He has tried to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. He is at this time transporting The United States military, as his private mercenaries, to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation. He has abdicated governance here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging War against us. 28. He has excited domestic insurrections among us, and has endeavored to bring on the most extreme of white "supremacist" militia groups, whose known stocking of weaponry for civil warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. 29. He has used FOX news and its publication resources, along with Breitbart, Rush Limbaugh, and other administration incestuous outlets, along with social media, including Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, to manufacture fake news narratives, support conspiracy theories, promote lies, create the illusion of "witch hunts", and self victimization, all in order to deny the truth to the American people, and in turn, he continues to attack and demean those he sees as a challenge or a threat, while using his presidency to advocate punishing news and social media outlets that do allow his deceitful/unchallenged propaganda and falsehoods. 30. He has given comfort to the enemy, by kowtowing to North Korea, allowing the militaristic government to continue to build and test nuclear missiles, with could pose a clear and present danger to Americans, on American soil, without any long term plan, or benefit, except to be manipulated by a dictator regime, which strokes his ego, while simultaneously belittling the office. 31. He lied about the funding of a complete border structure, along the Mexico-US border, which, in his words, would be "paid-for" by Mexico. He has absconded U S Department of Defense funds, which were then handed over, in no-bid contracts, to build various inconsistent portions of such a wall, which, in the process of construction, has destroyed rare wild life preserves, dug up, blown up, destroyed sacred Native burial grounds, stolen American citizen's land without fair compensation, or hearing of grievances, and relinquished American land, by having to build such structures far inland from the "actual" territorial US border. 32. He endangered the future of the country by undermining the very financial foundation of the United States, by subsidizing the country's wealthy and big corporations, by granting them unnecessary and indefensible tax cuts, along with increasing the budgets of already bloated agencies, by doing so, with malice and forethought, has increased the national debt to over 5 trillion dollars. 33. He has shown heartless contempt for a variety of Americans, and those aspire to be Americans, promoting a campaign of hatred, violence, cruelty, lacking any level of compassion, for people of color being killed by police, people fleeing injustices in other countries and legally seeking asylum, , children being pulled away from their parents and being placed in cages/"concentration camps", people suffering from COVID-19, waging a campaign against Native Americans, all the while calling Nazi's "very fine people", and praising the American Civil War Confederacy, the list goes on and on. 34. He has protected and rewarded the Saudi regime, ignoring their financial support of 911, and totally negating/dismissing the Saudi leadership's direct involvement in the butchering of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. 35. He has threatened to destroy his constitutional limits, by inferring he will not not leave office, if he loses the election, that he will seek a permanent presidency, he has cast aspersions on the long tradition of Americans reliably voting by mail, all the while giving himself and his cohorts/family the justification to do so. 36. He has corrupted the Justice Department, and has slandered the Justice system, and Law Investigative agencies, in order to hide his mob-like/illegal activities, and intentions, as he has also done to protect himself and his "partners in crime" as they conspire against the citizen's of The United States, and against the all for which the nation stands. 37. He has willfully ignored climate change evidence, choosing to remove national health and safety measures, and international accords, thereby contributing to the world environmental crisis. 38. He has shown depraved indifference to American citizens by encouraging the unmasked gathering of large enclosed crowds, and by cutting funding for testing and research of COVID-19 symptoms. 39. He has hidden personal financial ties with the corrupt dictatorship of Turkey, allowed them to invade a Kurdish portion of Iraq, and by doing so, has strengthened ISIS. The president's own "National Security Advisor", Michael Flynn was found to be an "unregistered agent" of the Turkish government, which paid him over $500,000.00 to "represent" the government interests of Turkey. 40. He has utilized the DOJ as his personal legal surrogate, to put out a false narrative about Michael Flynn, and to undermine Flynn's prosecution. Flynn's problems can largely be traced back to his conversations with a senior Russian official during the presidential transition. In a series of calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Flynn undercut Obama's newly announced sanctions against Russia for meddling in the 2016 election. In the calls, Flynn also undermined the official US position toward a United Nations resolution about Israel, according to court filings. 41. He has created a corrupt administration, bent on disrupting the lives and the respective futures of Americans, and those who aspire to be Americans, whether from within the EPA, HHS, DOE, DOD, HUD, DHS, DOJ, etc., via lessening their powers, removing legislation via "Executive Orders", and encouraging his Cabinet to ignore basic human decency, and established laws. 42. He has conspired with (GOP) legislative members, and even court/legal "authorities" to commit corruption, encourage corruption, and hide corruption. He has turned the "swamp", into a "CESSPOOL". 43. He has weakened our position in the world, and has embarrassed this nation almost beyond redemption. 44. He has used "America's lawyer", AG Barr, as his own personal lawyer, to stop John Bolton's book, Mary Trump's book, etc. 45. He has hijacked the "Voice of America", to be the "Voice of Donald Trump", the latest propaganda tool, at US taxpayer expense, since FOX news has not always "reliably" been in "lock step" with the administration's efforts to create an illusion of "alternative facts", promoting discord among the American public. 46. He continues to act as an "agent" of the Russian government, knowingly allowed the Putin/Russian government to put "bounties" on American soldiers fighting against the Taliban, and has lied about such knowledge in his administration. He then only allows his followers, the Republican members of the legislature, to be allowed to attend a White House briefing on the "murder for hire" of American troops, which Putin has established. 47. He has co-opted established religion, and made it his shield and his sword to poison the separation of religion and state; creating a politically-charged delusional base of fanatics with self-righteous ideologues, creating favor with them by shifting government funds, and changing laws to benefit far "right" extremist churches, which are supposed to be NON-PROFIT, and NON-POLITICAL. 48. He continues to stir up his racist base by promoting a "white power" video; using Nazi symbols in his campaign material, calling such like-minded people "good people", and "thanking" them, all the while pleading ignorant of their core beliefs and intentions. 49. He continues to make imaginary and outright malicious claims about the integrity of our election system, yet, through Mitch McConnell, has repeated quashed any attempt to secure the election process from foreign and domestic "hacking", all the while denying the proven "interference" by Russia with respect to his own election. 50. He has, instead of trying to bring unity and guidance and national pride during the July 4th. Mount Rushmore speech, he again, sowed distrust, hatred, fear, violence, and civil unrest: Standing in a packed amphitheater in front of Mount Rushmore for an Independence Day celebration, President Trump delivered a dark and divisive speech on Friday that cast his struggling effort to win a second term as a battle against a “new far-left fascism” seeking to wipe out the nation’s values and history. With the COVID-19 pandemic raging and his campaign faltering in the polls, his appearance amounted to a fiery reboot of his re-election effort, using the holiday and an official presidential address to mount a full-on culture war against a straw-man version of the left that he portrayed as inciting mayhem and moving the country toward totalitarianism. He deliberately distorted history and current event facts, “Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children,” Mr. Trump said, addressing a packed crowd of sign-waving supporters, few of whom wore masks. He lied and created a false narrative of fellow American citizens, “Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders, deface our most sacred memorials and unleash a wave of violent crime in our cities.” 51. He has VILIFIED the medical system, the education system, the judicial system, the election system, the immigration system, the poor, minorities, news outlets and journalists; anyone who disagrees, or calls him on his lies. He has lied about his personal finances, his financial ties and obligations to foreign banks and governments, he has stolen monies from his own charity and campaign organizations, He has weakened the strength and security of the family farms, causing the wasting and destruction of millions of pounds of food. He has threatened the very safety of American citizens by encouraging violence, ordering violence, and hiding violence, poisoning the political landscape and turning family member against family member; friend against friend. He continues to remove environmental safeguards, and sell off protected and historic Native lands. He has created a concerted administrative effort to deny medical protection and services through the COVID-19 crisis and by seeking to remove millions from the ACA safety net. He has discarded any consideration and compassion for our senior citizens and Veterans by attacking their funding for services. He has shown his disdain for people of color, and for children of immigrants, by caging children and denying them proper health care and nourishment. He has gutted the fabric and financial stability of the United States, by outrageous tax cuts for the rich, and by politicizing every aspect of his administration's policies for personal gain. He has alienated and belittled our allies, while embracing our enemies and dictators. He has smashed the nation's moral compass. He has shamed us to the world. We have frequently tried to inform and dissuade those who have been empowered to support this presidency and its administration, and have warned of the dangers to this country, from those who have been emboldened by this presidency, and its administration. The reaction has been an increase in the same malfeasance. Such a national crisis, that the nation's highest office has been marked by every act of spurious deceptions, lies, crimes, and destructive social policies, all noting this president defines a Tyrant, and is unfit to be the symbol, the voice, the leader, of a FREE people. We, therefore, as mindful and respectful citizens of the united States of America, in General Assembly within Daviterra Nation, do hereby declare the formulation of the individual and independent government body, to be known as Royal Grand Duchy Daviterra; establishing its own Constitution there-of, on this day: July 4, 2020.