4.77 ACRES

Preserving our environment and improving the quality of life, by promoting eco-conscious planning and building, through the creation of a sustainable off-grid community which promotes healthy (educated) individual choices.
We are committed to our ambitious efforts of designing and maintaining "a viable village" in Crescent Valley, Nevada, as a working example of what is possible and necessary. Approximate costs: $100,000.00
Our Design Plans and Goals Are To Build:
Exercise Facilities
A Learning Center/Library
A Community Kitchen
A Food Pantry/Root Cellar
A Public Gathering/Leisure Space
A Health Clinic
A Greenhouse and Agriculture Space
Water Collecting/Storage and Recycling Facilities
Solar and Wind Power Stations
A Public Green Space
An 8 Foot High Observation Deck
Outdoor game and cookout area
Alternative Resourced Permanent Housing
AirBnB Glamping and Seasonal Housing Sites
Want To Share In and Support The "Experiment" Click HERE For INFO on Staying HERE at ALIVVE.